Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thoughts Upon Being Comfortable

Dear friends,

Topic of today on Blogtember is: "Friday, September 20: React to this term: comfort. "

Oh! Comfort is such a vast term and being comfortable is a topic I could talk for hours. It has so many sides and implications... Being comfortable with yourself, being comfortable with strangers, being comfortable with your friends, being comfortable with your fiancee/wife/husband, being comfortable as you are - where you are, staying or getting out of your comfort zone... Oh! The Horror! The Pain! The Suffering!...

Being comfortable is something more than a state of mind... somehow you need to get yourself in balance with your inner self and the world that surrounds you - from people around you to place your are passing through, to things you interact with on a daily basis (or less often).

I am over a quarter of a century yet still I have not figured out how you can maintain yourself calm and peaceful and zen all the time. Being a happy bumblebee 24/7 seems so very hard to do. Somedays I managed to make it for a full day - but not very often and that saddens me as it makes my fiancee sad too... It is complicated as the way you are behaving will also influence the attitude of the people around you and even though you will try to fake it they will still feel it - some more, some less as it depends on how good you are at hiding your feelings. I - for one - lack this extra point in the survival chain and all my feelings are visible on my face... The only good (and bad at the same time) thing is the fact that people will not dare approach me :) - I can become quite a fierce lioness when really pissed...

There are a lot of thing that make me calm or give me comfort or that are comfortable to me - here is a short list... I mean I will try to make it as short as I can :) I promise ;)
  • A warm hug & kiss from my fiancee
  • Calls from my family (especially from my Granny, Mum and Sister)
  • Having a cup of choco in a rainy day
  • Going out with my fiancee to our favourite place
  • Having long hot showers while listening to the music on my phone
  • Being able to check my email and Facebook on the phone
  • Taking pictures when I go out for a stroll with my awesome fiancee
  • Warm Autumn days that feel like summer but are much more colored
  • Short 1day - 1 weekend trips with my adorable fiancee (e.g. Warsaw and Vienna)
  • Having a good (and huge :p) cup of mint tea in my fav cup (gift from cute fiancee)
  • Meeting new people through my blog :)
  • Reading (and re-reading) one of the books I like/love 
  • Re-watching for the 1000 time LOTR or Star Wars
  • Warming up in fuzzy socks and huge sweaters in which I feel like a giant teddy bear
  • Buying gifts for the one I love - friends and family
  • Having old friends over for a couple of days and acting as city guide :p
and many many many other things like "whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens" :)

Comfortable VS. Too Comfortable In A Relationship :)

Hope you enjoyed todays post ;) See you at the next one :)

P.S. And get your lazy arse out of your Comfort Zone! THERE is where the real magic happens and the real world and the real emotions begin. Experiment! Try and if you do not succeed at the first try, try again! Every big discovery was always based on multiple failures ;)

The Comfortable
LadyBug :p

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